Human resources selection

Our task is clearly a handcrafted one, our intention is to be recognized as strategic partners when selecting the human capital needed to ensure a successful management.

We understand that excellence in a recruitment process depends on having a suitable  understanding of the company needs, as well as a precise knowledge of the individual and the contextual features of the resource to be recruited for the different levels of an organization:

–High Direction

–Management and mid-level management

–Headships, Supervisors, Young Professionals, Analysts and Technicians

The practice of our expertise has allowed us to detect and understand the different, as well as the changing peculiarities of the companies and the people. That is the reason why we define ourselves as craftsmen.

To stay in close contact with the responsible person or persons of the firm who require our services in order to exhaustively know the structural and cultural aspects of the company.

To determine the level of the position needed, a description of the tasks involved and the required profile.

Once the degree of need that the task involves has been analyzed, the source of the search (hunting, web, advertisements, contacts) is defined and a previous selection is carried out. For such selection different techniques/measurements are applied: interviews, psychometric testing, exams based on graphology techniques, assessment of the potential abilities of the interviewees, languages, etc.). This evaluation will end with the final presentation of those candidates who are able to meet the competences required for the position.

  • The hiring company should interview the three candidates proposed in the following ten days after the delivery of the evaluation file of each applicant.
  • Any delay to meet this deadline may compromise the result of the search.
  • If the above mentioned situation will turn out to be the case, F&C Consultants and Associates declines any kind of responsibility.

Our commercial fidelity and equity policy towards our local or international customers is based on ethics and transparency, for that reason they must have immediate and easy accessibility to our fees.

F&C Consultants and Associates will charge the 20% (twenty per cent) of the total gross income the candidate will collect during the first year of work in the company. This applies for levels of great responsibility in decision making oriented to the strategic definitions of the company.

For those high level responsibility managerial positions, F&C Consultants and Associates will charge the 15% (fifteen per cent) of the total gross income the candidate will collect during the first work year.

In these cases, the fees will be the result of applying the following coefficient over the monthly gross income, including bonus monthly pro rata.

Head of Department: 1.9 coefficient
Supervisors, Coordinators, Young Professionals, Analysts and Technicians: 1.5 coefficient

For all levels, a search will consist of two items, a fixed one and a contingent one.

Fixed Item – Down Payment

The company hiring our services will receive and invoice at the beginning of the search for the 35% (thirty five per cent) of the fees agreed.

Contingent Item

Once the search is finished, the company will receive the last invoice which will cover the difference up to the corresponding search level, this time calculated in real figures.

In case the hiring company decides to suspend the search once the candidates have been presented, the amount to be charged will be the 50% (fifty per cent) of the total fees agreed.

If the hiring company will decide to dismiss the selected candidate, or if the candidate decides to willingly quit the job, we shall carry out a new search, free of charge this time, within the following warranty terms:

  • Director Level: 6 months
  • Manager Level: 4 months
  • Head of Department and Supervisor Level: 3 months
  • Analyst or Technician: 1 month

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